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Aquaponics Nano Fish Plants Tank :: Вiдгуки

Цiна$85.60excl. TAX
Розпродаж$43.34excl. TAX
Економiя$42.26 (49%)
Бонусні очки$0.22
  • USB LED Lighting 
  • No Pump Operation
  • Feed for Fish and Feed for Plants
The innovation Tank, it is not a Fish Tank, it is a Aquaponics Tank.  Make the nutritional turn from Food NH3 and absorb by the Plants!


  • 1) Plants over tank.  When feeding the food for fish, the remain nutrition(No3/Nh4) can absorb by the plants
  • 2) Plants leaves can becomes Fish Food 
  • 3) No Pump can operation, it is directly using a Air Pump to running the bamboo to increase air capacity
  • 4) USB LED Lighting, directly operation with your Phone Charger(5V), safetly running or directly plug with your office computer USB to got Power
  • 5) USB LED is White x 4  / Blue x 1
  • 6) Puzzle Game for Fun on the box

  • 5V USB LED (White x 4, Blue x 1)
  • Size 15 x 15 x 22cm(Width x Long x Height) 
  • Air check valve x 1

(Need a Air Pump to operation)* Package Not include Air Pump

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Aquaponics Nano Fish Plants Tank
Цiна$85.60excl. TAX
Розпродаж$43.34excl. TAX
Економiя$42.26 (49%)
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