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Jebao WP-25 8000L Wave Maker US Delivery(New Jersey) :: Вiдгуки

Цiна$78.11excl. TAX
Розпродаж$42.80excl. TAX
Економiя$35.31 (45%)
Бонусні очки$0.21
Select Plug:
Replacement Sensor Kits:
ДоставкаCan ship only within USA
  • Magnet Base DC Pump
  • 12 Different Mode
  • Vortech Like function
2012 Nov Fish Street Distributor Jebao WP40
2013 May Fish Street First Release Jebao Wp-25
2013 Oct Fish Street First Release Jebao Wp-60 Jebao Wp-10
2014 Feb Fish Street First Release for Jebao Twins controller
2014 May Interzoo Fish Street help jebao factory to First Release RW-4 RW-8 RW-15 Rw-20
2014 Oct First Release Jebao DP4
2015 Jan First Release Jebao DP2
Fish Street involves on the factory to help and develop much Jebao item. Follow us as the big replacement support center.  For replacement kits you can order with us which factory not supply 

28/11 Provides a REAL AU Plug for WP25 Now. Australia / New zealand Customer no need using any adapter

23/10 Want Upgrade for Future of WP Series controller?  Order from us we promise you will half price to got "Future System". You can poll the right hand side for the Jebao WP item for new feature. Its really come soon for factory now co-operation with Fish Street Store . Only our Customer can got future upgrade discount


16/10 We cooperation and authorized with Factory for Data Collection. Poll on our right hand side for Jebao new feature! Order with us customer will discount if new feature release! Beware for some chinese seller selling chinese plug for you! Only we can provides EU/ US /UK and AU Plug


2/8 All Our WP-25 Release Country Plug, no need using any convertor!  Better than some chinese supplier provides adapter to use!

9/7 In Stock Now~

12/6 Release a New Controller(1F Version), for S1 to S3 now, Can adjustable the W1 as Full to 75 to 50%  wave on the system.  Previous customer want to got a new controller, it can order from us directly! 

8/6 Out of Stock Now ! Pre Order faster will send out firstly~ We have day to day send out wp25, Now shipping Order is on June 6

6/6 In Stock Now, but very rarely stock again!  Due to high demand of Order. It's will delay shipping around 36 to 48 hours for high demand of order packing time.

5/6 WP-25 in stock on everyday, due to rarely stock now. Only Pre-Order. We send out wp-25 everyday,since we can come and visit factory everyday to taken stock.(Latest Version) The latest shippment for Pre Order customer is on 2 June(3 Days waiting).  Back Order early can got faster to delivery!

30/5 WP-25 Out of stock now within 2 hours, Back Order now for 1 to 2 weeks on delivery

30/5 Wp-25 In stock now, time limit to order, near out of stock again!

25/5 We do not have Group Order Price on this moment. WP-25 just release a new version from 1C to 1D , a NEW Speed Controller for H and L Mode controlable and being release more new feature. Only Back Order from us customer will got freely to upgrade

22/5 Back Order time increase for 1 weeks now. Order before 26/5, we can send out on 31 May.  Our 400pcs wp-25 all gone stock now!  If Back Order time after 27/5, will delay more time!

21/5 High Demand for the WP25 Order, Out of Stock Now!  Back Order from us for 5 to 7 days

20/5 Jebao WP-25 Wave Maker Avaiable Now! Welcome to become first review

Distributor Information : We are back order 3 month huge of the pump with Jebao Factory, all the production Line is now being produce our pump only for 2 month.  We become Worldwide Distributor help us to distribution the pump

Jebao WP-25 English Manual Can Contact us to Got it

Jebao Rubber Silent Kits in here

Jebao Replacement Controller  latest controller in here

100cm Extend Cable If for your pump require longer cable can order here

Jebao Extra Power Supply (12V to 24V, Adjustable to Reduce Big Flow on Small Tank) Order Here:

Jebao Replacement Kits Download Here:

Want to Connect APEX for Jebao?  Visit Here


  • Easy installation and maintenance.
  • 360 degree rotation on a magnetic bracket
  • 6 different operating modes, including variable pulse modes for wave generation and a Reef Stream mode that generates a random flow pattern similar to that found on a natural reef
  • Night sensor - automatically detects when tank lights go out and slows the pump.
  • One-touch feed mode - slows pump for a period of 10 minutes.
  • High performance, powerful, water flow combined with low energy consumption.
  • Ceramic shaft for long life and durability
  • Intelligent control system to generate various wave patterns to suit your tank.
  • Extra-long cable for ease and comfort of placement, even on larger tanks.
  • Low voltage, safe, reliable power supply. â?¢ Suitable for freshwater and saltwater.

Jebo Modes

Press the 'MODE' button to cycle through the selection of functions.

H1 H2 H3: High, constant, non-variable flow (6500 LPH / 4800L / 3200L)

L: Low, constant, non-variable flow at a third of the speed (3000L)

W1: Short pulses which, when timed correctly will create a back and forth motion and form a gentle standing wave in your tank. Adjust the controller to change the speed of the pulses and vary the size of the wave according to your tank.

S1 to S3 Mode: Based on the W1 Wavebox function provides 100% 75% and 50% Wave

W2 & W3: Pump gradually speeds up and slows down incrementally to create a varied flow pattern. Adjustable to form the wave best suited to your tank.

Else: Reef Stream Mode, a mixed, changing pattern that creates a random flow cycle similar to what you would find in a natural reef.

Feed: Press the 'FEED' button once, the blue '10min' light will illuminate indicating that the pump has been stopped for 10 minutes. When the time has elapsed, the light will go off and the pump will be turned back on. Alternatively, press the 'FEED' button again to start the pump.

Lock: To prevent changes from inadvertently occurring by accidentally knocking the adjustable control knob, press and hold the 'FEED' button for 5 seconds. The red 'LOCK' light will illuminate and the control knob will no longer function. Press and hold the 'LOCK' light for a further 5 seconds to disable this feature.

*Night: When the two-pinned sensor is inserted into the two small plugs on the left-hand side of the control box, Night mode will function automatically. The sensor detects when the tank lights go out and slows the pump to half speed. The 'Sensor' light will illuminate when Night mode is in operation. To disable the Night mode function, remove the sensor from the control box.

* Night mode is a new feature intended for use with low output lighting. The sensor can become damaged when used with high output VHO, HQI and LED lighting systems. Customers use the sensor with high output lighting at their own risk. The sensor is not covered by the manufacturer's warranty if used with high output lighting.


  • Power - 110V to 240V 50/60Hz
  • Wattage - 8W to 20W depending on the mode
  • Size - 8cm x 6cm   
  • Magnet Base


Jebo WP-40 13000L Wave Maker
Jebo WP-40 13000L Wave Maker
Jebo WP-40 13000L Wave Maker
Jebo WP-40 13000L Wave Maker
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Robert on 15 Лис 2015, 2:04 AM
The best wave makers
I have 16 Jebao wave pumps in service and they've never let me down. They work in small tanks as well as my coral runs that are 3 metres long.
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Jebao WP-25 8000L Wave Maker US Delivery(New Jersey)
Цiна$78.11excl. TAX
Розпродаж$42.80excl. TAX
Економiя$35.31 (45%)
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