Thank Fish street for this very good and amazing lighting i'm using it in my refugium and it's working very good.
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Alex Гостьon24 Мар 2017, 9:36 AM
tres bonne qualité
La pousse est croissante dans le refuge. J'ai mis deux spot pour un refuge de 50x20x30
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Mahmood on14 Ноя 2016, 7:26 PM
Amazing LED light.
I have ordered this LED and it''s looking very good and the installation was very easy today i well get my Algae and let see how is the growth process for it well be.
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Гостьon17 Июл 2016, 2:24 AM
Bardzo dobry towar
Mała zgrabna ale spełnia w sumpie swoje zadanie bardzo ładny przyrost glonów